Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The TSC 300 Challenge

The TSC 300 Challenge is a fitness test that measures strength, stamina and cardiovascular endurance. The purpose of the test is to help you transform your body and achieve true health and fitness. That means looking your best possible, feeling your best possible, and being your best possible.

The TSC 300 Challenge is composed of 3 events. Each event is worth a maximum of 100 points. With proper training, like the TSC Heart of a Champion Program any able bodied person can max the test and score 300 points. This is remarkable considering that many professional and Olympic athletes would not be able to score 300 points if we gave them the test tomorrow.
Obviously, severe asthma, arthritis or other disabilities would make it more difficult to score 300 points, but every able bodied person can max this test. The TSC 300 Challenge doesn't require abundant athletic ability, talent or skill beyond doing the basics of pull-ups, push-ups and running 3 miles.

The first event is a maximum set of pull-ups. You can do wide grip pull-ups with your palms facing away from you or narrow grip pull-ups with your palms facing towards you (these are also called "chin-ups" and are typically easier for most people). Start each pull-up from a "dead hang" fully extended position and pull up until your chin is level to the bar.

There is no time limit, you can hang tough as long as you want, trying to squeeze out one extra rep, but as soon as you drop off the bar, you're done.
The scoring for men is 5 points per pull-up, 20 pull-ups scores the maximum of 100 points.
The scoring for women is 10 points per pull-up, 10 pull-ups scores the maximum of 100 points.

Rest for up to five minutes while you catch your breath and mentally prepare for the second event, maximum push-ups. At the top of your push-up your arms should be slightly flexed, then lower your body until your upper arm creates a 90 degree angle with your lower arm. There aren't any judges that will disqualify you if you don't go down low enough or up high enough, but do your best to use a complete range of motion. Be honest with yourself, using a limited range of motion only hurts you in the long run. For the best form, keep your chin up and your eyes looking straight forward. Do as many as possible without breaking proper push-up position. This means that if your hips start to sag or your but shoots up in the air, you're done.Ideally, your push-up strength will develop in a 3:1 ratio with your pull-up strength. Thus a person that can do 8 pull-ups should be able to perform 24 push-ups. If your push-up to pull-up/pull-ups is far outside of this ratio, it's indicative that you have muscle and strength imbalances or that your total body weight is outside the ideal range for you. Don't worry though, The Heart of a Champion Training program will correct these imbalances over time.
Men, you score two points per push-up, 50 push-ups scores the maximum, 100 points.
Women, you score 4 points for each push-up, 25 push-ups earns you the 100 point maximum.

The final event in the TSC 300 Challenge is 3-mile run A.F.A.P (As Fast as Possible!) I prefer running 12 laps on a rubberized track to complete your 3 miles. You can find a track at most high schools and colleges (in the United States). Running on a track offers several advantages, it allows you to calculate your split time, the rubberized cushioning is easier on your joints and if you travel, it's easier to find a track than to map out a new 3-mile course each time.

Other methods include creating a 1.5 mile loop and completing two loops or choosing a "turn around" point 1.5 miles your starting point and running there and back. You can also choose to run your 3 miles indoors on a treadmill, but I prefer the great outdoors (even if it's well below freezing).

Always run in a safe and well lit area. The last thing you want to do is sprain an ankle because you didn't see a crack in the sidewalk or get mugged running through a park at night. Ideally, you should be doing your TSC 300 Challenge on Saturday morning, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Guys, to max the run you must complete 3-miles in 18 minutes or less. For each 10-second interval above 18:00 subtract one point from 100 to get your score. Thus for each minute over 18:00 you will subtract six points.
Women, the scoring is the same for you, except your goal time is 21 minutes. For each 10-second interval above 21 minutes subtract one point from 100.

Like I stated earlier, every able bodied person can score 300 points on this challenge. It doesn't take athletic ability, skill or talent. Your goal should be to improve in each category every week as you progress towards scoring 300 points. Please keep in mind that plenty of Olympic and professional athletes would not be able to score 300 points if we gave them the challenge tomorrow, or even if we gave them an entire month to train for it. Again, the goal is steady improvement, not perfection.

Don't be discouraged if you don't do well the first time you take the challenge (it's entirely possible for individuals with poor fitness to score zero points the first time they take the challenge) or if you fail to improve in each category every week. Just continue to show up and give your best effort as you strive for your goals. You will get there eventually and along the way you will find true health & fitness, that magical point at which you look, feel and perform as well as you possibly can. That is the promised land and the TSC 300 Challenge and the Heart of a Champion Training & Nutrition Program can help you get there.

Chris Krueger

Transform your body now and change your life forever. Get the TSC Heart of a Champion Program and Make it Happen! http://www.tscheartofachampionprogram.com/

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